Join a global community and get involved with 900M

Welcome to our community

You can contribute directly and indirectly, in many ways, whatever your skills, interests or availability.

Bienvenue dans notre comunauté

Become a volunteer

You want to make 900M known to the world, look for grants, support 900M during local events around climate change, biodiversity, promote us, or submit your ideas to reach more people. Come with us!

Become a translator

Would you like this website or our newsletter to be available in another language ? Look no further and join the international translation team.

Concept de réunion
Homme d'affaire
Contribute as a writer

Do you have writing skills and are you concerned about the reforestation of our planet and its positive effects ? Write to us.

Contribute as an expert

You want to be part of the pedagogical team and improve the training program, add a method we don’t know yet ?

Make a donation to 900M

Not ready to start yet ? As a non-profit organization, we depend on donations. You can support us financially in our mission here.

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Communiquez sur les réseaux sociaux
Communicate on social networks
Let’s stay connected to receive information related to the evolution of the project, our latest news, announcements and opportunities. Share our articles and news.